Mystery Cabinets - Can you ID them?

Here are a few unknown cabinets we wanted to share. If you have thoughts as to what they are or a manufacturer, please reach out to us.

First up are these two below Lubrication Ad wall units. The left one has an Alemite next to it but the unit isn’t from their line. The right one has ARO gear but a very cool Zephyr display shelf.

I haven’t found any maker close to the look or trim on this unique red service cabinet. There is no id plate on this unit.

This 1944 image from a Vancouver Dealership has always interested us. The handles and cabinets look like kitchen equipment.

The below image is also from the same repair shop, and it appears that they repurposed other household cabenitry behind this gentleman.


We know this strange red, horizontal opening cabinet was built by Kent-Moore, but what is it used for?

This last image has some cool vertical work stations with illuminated departmental signage.